Congratulations to 1st Ewell Village (St Mary’s) Brownies who won the Wildlife Aid iDot Challenge! This Challenge has been created through a collaboration between Wildlife Aid Foundation and Girlguiding to support taking small actions collectively, that overall make a big impact on wildlife and the natural environment. Many of you will know of Wildlife Aid Foundation as they are based in Leatherhead and are dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of sick, injured or orphaned animals.
iDot stands for “i Do one thing”. The aim is to encourage everyone to do one thing, every day, to help wildlife and protect the environment. Overall Girlguiding Epsom Division recorded a massive 3,802 iDots and have pledged to continue to do as much as possible to protect wildlife and the environment. The Brownies were delighted to welcome Douglas from Wildlife Aid to their unit meeting who presented them with their winners’ badges. Thank you to 13th Epsom Brownies unit leader Carla Woodcock for organising this fantastic challenge!