Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rainbows in Epsom enjoyed World Thinking Day on 22 February 2022. World Thinking Day is when we think of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts across the world. This year as the date was a palindrome we did lots of forwards and backwards activities.
Cuddington Rainbows walked, hopped, crawled and pretended to swim forwards and backwards and painted half of a butterfly and ‘printed’ the other half. They also learnt about Rainbows in other countries by playing corners with the different names. Rangers had a great Thinking Day evening and presented a Baden Powell Challenge Award to Hannah and did a promise ceremony for another Hannah in Epsom. They loved the fact they were palindromes! 1st Ewell Village (St Mary’s) Brownies really enjoyed skipping, crawling and hopping backwards and forwards and writing their names backwards. 7th and 8th Epsom Rainbows used pipettes to drip paint onto one half of a butterfly outline. They then folded the sheet in half to produce symmetrical butterflies. Stoneleigh Rainbows had fun with the back view Disney characters quiz and creating mirror pictures. They also skipped backwards and forwards. Everyone who took part was awarded with a special World Thinking Day badge.